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Biomedical waste management, Gurugram (study)

Sharing my study on the challenges in Biomedical Waste Management from quarantine homes in Gurugram having spent the past few weeks observing the ground realities. I feel that Gurugram is making a consistent and sincere effort to manage its waste which has a high potential to infect others and hoping that other cities are following suit. There are lessons to be learnt from us and yet, there are systems that need to be worked upon.

What sank the heart was the apathy of the citizens towards the workers – sometimes forcing them to collect waste which is not biomedical (mattresses/old clothes) and even resorting to physical violence if they don’t do so. Sometimes the workers (dressed in PPE’s in this sweltering heat) are not allowed to use the lifts up to the 9th or 10 floors. Heavens, in these times, we cannot afford to lose our humanity and compassion while protecting ourselves. Calling out to citizens of Gurugram and other cities to please be sensitive towards waste workers putting their lives in danger and to be proactive in understanding segregation principles. And we, as individuals cannot absolve ourselves of our duties – to do things that are right and for the larger good. Finally, it is our human response to this challenge that will stay – entrenched in the consciousness of this universe.

First posted on 27 June 2020