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Kachnar turns over a delicious leaf

We have a beautiful Kachnar (Bauhinia) tree outside our home – planted a few years ago but now fills a happy, larger than life frame. This tree needs to be pruned often as it grows faster than any tree, except Sajna (Sehjal/drumstick) maybe – small observations only within the boundary of one’s small garden. During the last pruning, the neighbours house help came to pluck the delicate leaves off the fallen stems. I learnt a few things when native knowledge was brought to my doorstep. In tribal communities of Jharkhand and Odisha, the tender-most, fresh leaves form a staple part of the diet as they are rich in protein, have anti-ulcer properties, protect the liver, kidney and are also antibacterial.
Sure enough, one got ones handful of leaves too and cooked them immediately. The flavour and texture was sweet and tender – a delicious saag, was polished off in no time. And lo, the researcher could not rest anymore!!! Found this lovely write-up on the amazing leaves in Down to Earth… almost all part of Kachnar are put to use. No waste absolutely. So if you are pruning a tree, look out for native knowledge around it, its uses and value and never ever walk past a tree without acknowledging how beautifully, quietly and gracefully it gives!! We tend to take givers for granted.


First posted on 11 October 2020